
I galleriet nedenfor har vi samlet et udvalg af løsninger, vi har produceret for vores kunder. Her finder du både eksempler på displays og specialdesignede løsninger til messestande.

Lad dig inspirere, og kontakt os endelig, hvis vi kan hjælpe dig med dit næste projekt.

“Dialogen med Schreibers har været super god. De er fleksible og gode at sparre med, både ift. materiale, design og tryk. Der gik ikke lang tid fra indledende dialog til 100 flotte brochuredisplays, der matcher vores behov. Vi er meget tilfredse, både med samarbejdet og resultatet.”
Pia Erritsø Christiansen, Direktør DK-Camp



BIBS has their fine wooden displays produced here with us. The top signs are interchangeable, so BIBS' various campaigns can be showcased on their current displays. Here, their double-sided KLIK display for hooks is shown. 


Ingredien requested a floor display with branding options, which was easy for store staff to move around. We have also produced various table displays and large podiums for displaying their hair products. 


Fischer, with their well-known red logo, has achieved optimal use of branding opportunities on their smart KLIK display. The displays are shipped in sets to Fischer's warehouse and then distributed to various hardware stores. 


Rocks showcases their well-known Seger socks on our two-sided KLIK displays, which are additionally equipped with wheels. The space is optimally utilized to accommodate as many hooks for socks on the displays as possible. 

Shatler's Cocktails

For Shatler’s Cocktails, we have produced this foldable table with 3 chairs, designed to fit in the back of a car, so that their staff could take them around to various fairs. 


Heave is brand new to the Danish market, and their vitamin water needed to be presented in the company's colors at the Food Expo in Herning 2024. For this purpose, we produced a table with hidden wheels behind a plinth and 5 boxes with prints representing their different flavor variants. 

Deli drengene

Deli drengene står for håndplukkede delikatesser af høj kvalitet. Netop derfor har de valgt at udstille deres produkter i vores stabile og bæredygtige KLIK-displays. Deli drengene har fyldt deres displays med branding, som sikrer blikfang og sørger for, at det kun er deres varer, der står på hylderne. 

Sea Me

Sea Me is the epitome of eco-friendly products, which is why they also choose a sustainable wood display with a long lifespan to showcase their fine bottles. 


DK-Camp has decided to replace their cardboard displays with one of our wooden displays. The focus has been on weight, which is why a fine, light 6mm birch plywood was chosen. The result speaks for itself. 

“Der gik ikke lang tid fra indledende dialog til 100 flotte brochuredisplays, der matcher vores behov.” Pia Erritsø Christiansen, Direktør DK-Camp


Blackstone has requested a setup where elements can be removed or added depending on the store's size. In collaboration with the skilled team at Tap Media, we have designed a custom solution for them that can be easily carried and packed flat. 

Del Mastro

Del Mastro har med deres fine brunbejdsede trædisplay fået lavet en flot messestand, som på bedste vis udstiller deres varer og skaber masser af blikfang.